Some Madness here and there

 Madness is here, there and everywhere. You just need to feed it correctly, for whatever thing you fed on it will determine what kind of madness it'll turn into. I recognize at least 5 kind of madness, that will be harmful or useful to us.

First, the devastating madness. By nature, it is destructive, the kind of harmful madness, and according to many cases I've seen, is not the kind of thing you should fed at all. Unless of course, it's your intention all over. You will turn violent, brutal, less empathetic, apathetic, numb. These are the common traits of those so-called psychopath and sociopath, but still, some of them are not as destructive as those blessed with the devastating madness.

Secondly, the swirling madness. Well, I call it swirling since by nature, it is circulating inside the host for the sake of filling their head with heavy, confusing, maddening thoughts. At some point, the host will feel like stream of informations filling his/her head all at once. Some would probably yelled, "eureka!", some would scream, "I solved it". But, in a society where knowledge and scientific understanding isn't everything, it will be considered an abnormality. I suggest for those who lived in such country, keep your madness to yourself, or don't feed it anything. Well, it is good for you if you want to fill yourself with knowledge and data.

The beautiful madness. This is one of the most celebrated thing out there. Many so-called genius, master, maestro were associated with a little touch of madness, the eagerness to try something uncommon, defying common sense and general consensus. But then again, why'd you use a bent fork, if a decent fork worked just fine ? I mean, people of ancient times made totems which was an abbreviation of many things to create a new thing. You can create something out of nothingness with this madness, even the imaginary one to your reality.

Isolated madness. Ever wondered if all the people are crazy, and you're the only sane person on planet Earth ? Well, in reality you will be tied to a straight jacket right away. But consider this, you're considered mentally ill, but in truth, you're just as sane as them. You couldn't only proof the fantastic things you claimed before. You claimed that aliens will come to Earth at a specific date. But when it's too late, nobody set you free. 

The primordial madness. The purest kind of madness, the oldest one. I mean, biblical lore told us a story about Abel and Cain killing each other over woman. Eve was tempted by the snake to eat the fruit. Well, I don't want to talk so much about mythical figure, but in essence; things that will turn you into unimaginable things, doing unspokable things. A little bit of push, like a gravity (to quote Heath Ledger's Joker".


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