
"Follow me"

"where, dear? "

"faraway from the light"


"What's wrong, my love? "

"What are you up to? You're going to kill me? Robbing me? "

"I'm showing you this"

"by the grace of the Gods... Please, dear!! Close it! "

"Why? I just want to show you my body"

"I love you, but don't"

"But I thought you genuinely like me! I'm showin' you this horrendous body that you'll love! Now you're just like everybody else! You just loved my capacity to fulfill your desire! "

"No. For the might of Zeus, no. I love you. The inner you. I love your body and figure as well. But not for the sake of a mere showoff like this, my dear."

"Lies! "

"If I lied, then turn me into stone. i'd be dead petrified by your true beauty. If I don't, then let me love you, not just by your figure, but your horror as well"


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