A world worth caring

To the woman who will always be my redemption
I ask no commitment, nor any resolution
My heart was never mistreated nor misplaced
For I am sure  this reality is worth living with you in it.

It was always you. The feeble, fragile woman who dwells within her own insecurities. The one whom my  true feelings I cannot comprehend. It is you, always have been.

 Many times I've lied so that my true feelings to you may never be spotted. Then again, you can't simply commit a perfect crime. There will always be collateral damage to both sides. In this case, it was the other.
I would lie, even making scenes so that you won't notice my true intention.

Its been years since my tears dropped, yet my inner world would sometime filled with my thoughts of you. I admit that I am obsessed, obsessed with these tiny fragments you left inside my memory. A momentary joy who'd last till today. For I kept the spark, the joy I've had when I was with you.

When I am with yiu, the desire to believe, to be strong without any caring. You showed those spark, only to hid it back the moment I need it the most. I was but an empty shell, soulless being without your kindness. Maybe I was being dramatic cause I cannot accept the fact that you cannot be with me any longer.

I wish the devil was real. If it was, I would make a deal with him so that I can be together with you, whom I cared deeply. The one that I thought was being worthy of receiving my unconditional love. The one that I'll always love in secrecy, for eternity.

I hanged my thoughts up on the stake, wishing to burn them all away. Not because I can't,  but I won't. It was always me enjoying the flame. As a matter of fact, I have never heard of your thoughts about the flame.
So, I'll lit up the flame forever, till I am tired of keeping the flame up.

You may have left me all alone, forcing your way to me without any of my regards. But you know that you cannot stop someone from caring and loving you. No song or melody was good if it does not receive your praise and support.

I wish that we will find our own happiness. If i could be more selfish, I want to be the one who will make you happy.

A thought that should be kept for another day, a memoir of how deeply meaningful our encounter was.


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